04 Dec

All you need to know about mammogram

Breast cancer accounts for nearly 14% of cancer cases in Indian women. Health experts recommend physical screening of breasts to find any possible symptoms because detection in the later stage is known to reduce the survival rates. Post cancer survival rates of breast cancer are also high when compared to other cancers. Hence it is highly recommended to go through early screenings to avoid worsening of the disease. Women can now self-diagnose and check for any lumps, outgrowths or size changes that indicate cancer presence. Women are also advised to undergo mammogram screening, even if no symptoms are evident in the initial physical screening. A mammogram uses x-rays to detect the presence of cancer in breasts. These are of two types, namely, screening and diagnostic mammogram. Find out more about the types of mammogram and the benefits and risks involved in the process.

Mammogram types and their incredible benefits

Women are advised to do physical screenings frequently to check for any lumps or other anomalies. Breast self-exams involves checking for physical symptoms in the patients. Detection of any physical changes is to be reported to the physicians who do a clinical examination to analyze the lumps. A screening mammogram is typically done to detect the presence of cancerous growth in breasts when there are no evident signs found. The x-rays are taken proactively as a preventive measure to tackle cancer. A diagnostic mammogram is advised when the patients are detected with lumps or any other physical symptoms. Besides the lumps, the symptoms mentioned here can range from breast pain, changing sizes of breasts or nipple discharges. Some of these symptoms can be associated with benign conditions and hence are recommended to undergo diagnostic mammogram for further confirmation. Although both mammograms are conducted on the same machine, a diagnostic mammogram involves more significant exposure to radiation due to the increased count of x-ray images to be taken. A diagnostic mammogram report may take longer to obtain when compared to the screening mammograms. Screening for breast cancer has now become a necessity owing to its importance in preventing painful aftermath. The broad exposure has made mammogram costs in Chennai more affordable as well. Early screening mammography can initiate early treatments and possible prevention of deadly spread, screening mammograms comes with a few risks as well. Here are a few risks screening mammography can bring along.

Possible risks involved in screening mammography

Exposure to radiation

Mammograms involve small doses of radiations. The repeated exposure to x-rays has the potential to cause cancer. It is advised to have a detailed check with your radiologist to be aware of the exposure you may be subjected to and the risks involved in it. Pregnant women are advised to inform their physicians as x-rays are harmful to their fetuses. 

A mistaken positive report

Mammograms are a diagnostic procedure, which may require additional testing to confirm the presence of cancer. A positive indicator of x-rays sometimes might be because of dense breasts, due to previous biopsies or because of estrogen intake. As a false alarm might lead to emotional distress, it is advised to request for expert opinions if you have undergone the procedures mentioned above previously. 

A mistaken negative report

Sometimes body abnormalities can generate false reports in mammography. Women with high breast density or fatty breasts can make false mammography reports. No cancer detection can lead to a delay in treatment. 

Implant anomalies

Implants can hide breast tissues, making it hard for the radiologists to detect cancer presence. Hence, if you have undergone breast restructuring, it is advised to inform your radiologist accordingly. 

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